OpenMOLE citations

Related papersYearCite
The mountain environment, a driver for adaptation to climate change2015BibTex
Model Exploration Using OpenMOLE-a workflow engine for large scale distributed design of experiments and parameter tuning2015BibTex
A New Method to Evaluate Simulation Models: The Calibration Profile (CP) Algorithm2015BibTex
Half a billion simulations: Evolutionary algorithms and distributed computing for calibrating the SimpopLocal geographical model2015BibTex
Building Scientific Workflows on the Grid: A Comparison between OpenMole and Taverna2014BibTex
OpenMOLE: a Workflow Engine for Distributed Medical Image Analysis2014BibTex
Towards vulnerability minimization of grassland soil organic matter using metamodels2014BibTex
Facilitating Parameter Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis of Agent-Based Models: A Cookbook Using NetLogo and R2014BibTex
Automated Processing of Zebrafish Imaging Data: A Survey2013BibTex
Initialize and Calibrate a Dynamic Stochastic Microsimulation Model: Application to the SimVillages Model2012BibTex
Endogenization of network topology in metamimetic games2012BibTex
CTCF-mediated transcriptional regulation through cell type-specific chromosome organization in the β-globin locus2012BibTex
Ecosystem Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Framework2012BibTex
Steady-state soil organic matter approximation model: application to the Pasture Simulation Model2012BibTex
Algorithmes évolutionnaires sur grille de calcul pour le calibrage de modèles géographiques2012BibTex
SimAnalyzer : Automated description of groups dynamics in agent-based simulations2012BibTex
Technical support for Life Sciences communities on a production grid infrastructure2012BibTex
EPIS: A Grid Platform to Ease and Optimize Multi-agent Simulators Running (content not available online :()2012BibTex
The complex system science for optimal strategy of management of a food system: the camembert cheese ripening2011BibTex
Utilisation de EGI par la communauté des modélisateurs en systèmes complexes2011BibTex
Optimal viable path search for a cheese ripening process using a multi-objective ea2010BibTex
Declarative Task Delegation in OpenMOLE2010BibTex
Complex systems numerical campus2012
Conférence France-Grilles2012
Campus numérique des systèmes complexes Alsace2012
Complex systems sumer school2011
OpenMOLE tutorial HPCS2015
OpenMOLE overview2014
The OpenMOLE platform (Complex-systems numerical campus)2013
The calibration of complex-system models with OpenMOLE (ECQTG)2013
The calibration of complex-system models with OpenMOLE (ECCS)2013
Is the grid driving you crazy? Relax! Openmole makes it easy! (EGI)2013
OpenMOLE: run your code indifferently on your computer, a cluster, a grid... (JDEV)2013
Experimenting on complex-system models in the cloud (FOSDEM)2013
OpenMOLE a DSL to explore complex-system models (LIMOS)2012
OpenMOLE a DSL to explore complex-system models (CLASYCO)2012
Experimenting on models with the OpenMOLE platform2012
In the newsYear
Exploring models with Crazy Coconut2012
He’s a nut! He’s crazy as a coconut!2012
OpenMOLE 0.6 available for download2012
La taupe à le look coco2012
GeoDivercity open simulation platform2012
The OpenMOLE software2012
La taupe sort de son trou2012